Archive for Automation Manager

Using the MDT database: “ZTI error opening SQL Connection. SQL server does not exist or access denied”

For one of my current projects we’re using MDT 2012 Update 1 and we configured the MDT DB using the database wizard as we’re using the MDT database as source for our deployment. It holds host name and IP configuration of the target machines (as we can remove the need to press F12 for PXE with the use of RES Automation Manager 2012 we have a great ZTI solution).

But we ran into a problem when using the database as the targets would use the DB information so they were deployed using the automatically generated hostsnames and based on DHCP. So when looking into the results in the C:\Windows\Temp folder we discovered that we got an error:

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RES: RES Software Most Valuable Professional of 2011 Award


On Thursday 16th of Februari the RES PartnerFocus event was held in the Verkade factory  in Den Bosch, during this event RES Software informs it’s partners about the results of the past year and the plans for the upcoming year. There where a lot of good sessions planned but first the opening keynote was given which was followed by a session on IT Consumerization and ‘Iedereen de werkplek die het beste werkt’ (a follow up on ‘Making the desktop dynamic’).

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RES Automation Manager: Add fonts on Windows Server 2008 R2

Today while working on an unattended installation for a Citrix XenApp 6 on Windows Server 2008 R2 installation the customer asked me to add some fonts to the default installation. After some searching I found a VBS script that could do this, I had to change the script a bit because it gave some errors:

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RES Automation Manager: Time sync issues

One of my customers had some time sync issues, we’ve build a new domain based on Windows 2008 R2 and all the DC’s in the new domain where configured with the core switch(es) as NTP server and the time on these switches where right. So we went on searching and apparently somebody turned on the following feature:

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Citrix: Images in Citrix PVS or MCS and some tips and tricks

In this blogpost I will gather some tips and tricks on creating images in Citrix PVS and/or MCS but they will be applicable on VMware View implementations to because most of them are OS related. The first couple of tips I got from this document which is written for View but like I already said you can use this for XenDesktop.


Windows OS Optimizations

• Install Windows Patches, then turn OFF Automatic Update

• Disable Serial and Parallel ports in Device Manager (if they exist)

• Set Screensaver to “None” or “Blank”

• Disable System Sounds (Set Sound scheme to “None”)

• (Windows 7) Uninstall Tablet PC Component

• Disable Windows Error Reporting

• Remove unnecessary boot applications (Quicktime, Real, Adobe Acrobat Updater, etc.

• Remove unneeded Windows components (Outlook Express,Messenger, Games, etc.)

• Disable unnecessary services

Wireless Zero Configuration Security Center Help and support
Telephony Shell hardware detection Indexing Service
SSDP Discovery Service Task scheduler Machine Debug Manager
Remote Registry Themes Network Location Awareness

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RES: Automation Manager and Service Orchestration

A couple of weeks ago I went to a training for two days where I’ve been drilled by Anne Plancius who’s Solution Architect at RES Software. Subject was Service Orchestration; this software creates an interface for users, key users, administrators to different systems without knowledge of the back end that delivers the functionality to the end user.

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