Tag Archive for Microsoft

Mandatory profiles and RES Workspace Manager

The last two days I spend building a PoC for RES Workspace Manager for a customer with 2800 workstations and a Citrix environment, one of the acceptance requirements for this PoC was the ability to use mandatory profiles and save certain settings. Because of the nature of mandatory profiles RES Workspace Manager can be used to store user settings to the user home folder so the next time a user logs on these settings are restored.

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Windows 2003 Terminal Server hangs on reboot

Windows 2003 terminal serverOne of our customers had a problem with Windows 2003 Terminal Servers that would hang on a grey screen before the logon prompt after a reboot, one of my colleagues got tsdiag.exe from Microsoft in order to diagnose the problem. After some research we discovered that the problem was resolved when the following reg keys are set:

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Change CDrom drive letter with PowerShell

Here’s just a little Powershell script to change the CDrom drive letter to another drive letter, most customers use a standardized drive letter for this type of drive.

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