Tag Archive for MCS

How Nutanix helps Citrix MCS with Shadow Clones

shadow clonesOne of the technologies within the Nutanix technology stack for desktop virtualisation is the technology called Shadow Clones. It leverages the data locality to solve the known issues of having a master image and updates that needs to be distributed across hypervisors, which can be time consuming.

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Citrix MCS, Citrix’s best kept secret for server virt guys?

The last couple of days I had some great discussions with co-workers and some (VMware minded) guys on Twitter. The subject? The complexity of setting up Citrix XenDesktop, most of them refer to some demo they saw or things they’ve read on blogs/twitter etc while they know View is pretty easy to configure. But the thing is that those demo’s are mostly from a VMware View point of view and in the comparissons I’ve seen, Citrix PVS is used instead of Citrix MCS.

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Citrix: Images in Citrix PVS or MCS and some tips and tricks

In this blogpost I will gather some tips and tricks on creating images in Citrix PVS and/or MCS but they will be applicable on VMware View implementations to because most of them are OS related. The first couple of tips I got from this document which is written for View but like I already said you can use this for XenDesktop.


Windows OS Optimizations

• Install Windows Patches, then turn OFF Automatic Update

• Disable Serial and Parallel ports in Device Manager (if they exist)

• Set Screensaver to “None” or “Blank”

• Disable System Sounds (Set Sound scheme to “None”)

• (Windows 7) Uninstall Tablet PC Component

• Disable Windows Error Reporting

• Remove unnecessary boot applications (Quicktime, Real, Adobe Acrobat Updater, etc.

• Remove unneeded Windows components (Outlook Express,Messenger, Games, etc.)

• Disable unnecessary services

Wireless Zero Configuration Security Center Help and support
Telephony Shell hardware detection Indexing Service
SSDP Discovery Service Task scheduler Machine Debug Manager
Remote Registry Themes Network Location Awareness

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Citrix: XenDesktop 5 on Hyper-V

I’m building a demo site with Xendesktop 5 on Hyper-V (including MCS and no PVS, because it’s just a demo). While the installation went without real problems the configuration had some minor issues. I used the CTX127578 article as a reference.

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