If you’re a more regular reader of my blog you probably have read about Nutanix AHV, the native hypervisor that Nutanix ships. Nutanix AHV is built from the ground up for hyper convergence and that makes it a great hypervisor for desktop virtualisation. This is where the relationship with Citrix and the Citrix Provisioning SDK comes into play.
Tag Archive for MCS
Citrix MCS on Nutanix AHV: Unleashing the power of clones!
With the release of the plugin for Citrix MCS on Nutanix AHV I got a lot of questions on the inner workings of the AHV cloning so here goes: a blog post that (hopefully) helps you getting a grasp on how Nutanix AHV uses clones in Citrix MCS.
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Installing the plugin for Citrix MCS on Nutanix AHV
It just hit the web, the plugin for Citrix MCS on Nutanix AHV. You can find it on our portal at My.Nutanix.com, support, Tools & Firmware. I’ve blogged about this previously in the blog that was called Citrix MCS for AHV: Under the hood but now it’s finally available for the masses.
Storage features in XenDesktop 7.9
Citrix just released XenDesktop 7.9, one of the things that caught my eye during the installation was the option to leverage/utilise local storage of your virtualisation hosts.
Citrix MCS for AHV: Under the hood
Citrix MCS for AHV; it’s been a hot topic since the release of XenDesktop 7.7 so here’s my explanation of what’s going on under the hood when we look at Citrix MCS for AHV. First I’ll start with a short description of the components and in the end there’s a alpha-demo video on the integration piece.
Overcoming the 3 biggest challenges with Citrix MCS
With all the stories around MCS vs PVS etc I wanted to write a blogpost on how Nutanix can help you overcome the issues that you would see in a legacy 3-tier / local disk architecture using Citrix MCS. This is not a PVS vs MCS blogpost but I thought it would be a good idea to show how Nutanix solves the 3 biggest challenges with Citrix MCS.