Archive for XenDesktop

Testing the VMware OS Optimization Tool

VMware OS Optimization Tool

A couple of months ago VMware released a beta tool to help optimize your image for your VDI/RDS deployment, when you look at the VMware OS optimization tool it will report possible optimizations for your image and if needed it can execute the optimizations so you have an optimized image based on the recommendations from VMware.

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Citrix HDX Mobile, what does it add?

Citrix HDX MobileThe Citrix Mobility Pack was first introduced with HRP02 for XenApp 6.5 and it is build to improve the experience of users on mobile devices using published applications and/or desktops from a XenApp farm. Later on it got rebranded to Citrix HDX Mobile with HDX Touch and HDX Sense. With the introduction of the mobility pack we got a couple of more options to optimise XenApp for mobile usage; but what options did we get and what issues do we see? Read more

WorxDesktop, is it ShareConnect under the hood?

WorxDesktopThis week I attended the Mobility Master Class from Citrix and one of the features from XenMobile 9.0 (to be release at June 30th) is the Worx-enabled apps. One of those apps that got my attention was WorxDesktop.

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Unnamed file contains an invalid path – ABE causing trouble in paradise

ABEToday I ran into an application issue with an application, when a normal user would start the application the application would prompt for a file. When browsing to the file and opening the file the application would throw an error message: ‘unnamed file contains an invalid path’

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My take on HP’s Moonshot

MoonshotJust before but also during Citrix Synergy there was a lot of buzz around the HP Moonshot system, Moonshot is a relatively new concept in which the design will offer multiple hosts to deliver your services.

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Citrix XenDesktop and XenApp 7.5 install (video’s incl).

XenApp 7.5XenApp 7.5 and XenDesktop 7.5 are released to the web today and there was a lot of discussion on twitter about this release. A lot of info about this release can be found on the eDocs. Important pages are Features not in this release en Known Issues, please read them careful before starting.

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