Tag Archive for XenDesktop

Making sure your Citrix Desktops are utilized in 35 lines of PoSH

Earlposhier this week one of our SEs asked the following question on an internal Slack channel: “I have a customer that is looking for an automated process to identify VDI VMs that haven’t been used, notify the users, and then ultimately reclaim them if noone has logged on in a certain amount of time”. 


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Citrix XenDesktop 7.11; digesting full clones

Full ClonesCitrix recently revealed the newest version of their flagship: XenDesktop (or XenApp or XenApp/XenDesktop, I guess you get the point). One of the newest features that was included in the 7.11 release of XenDesktop is the option to use XenDesktop’s built-in deployment method Machine Creation Services to deploy full clone. Full clones, if your employer delivers a blazing fast storage platform perfectly suited for desktop virtualization it kind of catches your eye…

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Storage features in XenDesktop 7.9

storageCitrix just released XenDesktop 7.9, one of the things that caught my eye during the installation was the option to leverage/utilise local storage of your virtualisation hosts.

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Nutanix Acropolis with XenDesktop: 8 simple steps

Nutanix Acropolis

As I was going through cycles to deliver our next Reference Architecture for running Citrix workloads on Nutanix Acropolis hypervisor I realised that I didn’t capture the full steps to run Citrix XenDesktop on Nutanix Acropolis Hypervisor so this blogpost is have a workflow ready to make sure that you have all the steps covered to do a successful deployment.

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The Nutanix plugin for XenDesktop, under the hood

pluginDuring Citrix Summit Nutanix released the Nutanix Plugin for XenDesktop, as you can read over here: The Nutanix Plugin for Citrix XenDesktop. This plugin will enable the XenDesktop admins to leverage both Citrix and Nutanix technology to start SLA management from their own known console.

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vCenter SSL certificate and XenDesktop (PoSH script)

vCenterRebuilding your XenDesktop lab environment, everybody does it and everybody runs into that issue when you configure the vCenter connection from Citrix Studio with a self-signed certificate.

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