My inspritation for this blogpost comes from a tweet from Barry Schiffer asking if there’s some roadmap material for the Citrix Universal Print Server, as the feature set is limited. So I asked myself, what features are missing..?
Citrix PVS and PowerShell: Registering McliPSSnapIn
If you haven’t noticed yet Carl Webster is building a script selection to document your Citrix environment on his website: and he was looking for testers for his scripts. I volunteered to run some scripts for Carl to complete them and make sure Carl got the input he needed.
XenDesktop 7, the unattended installation..
As an IT Consultant I’m all about automation and orchestration so with the Release To Web of XenDesktop 7 we have a new installation to automate. Luckily the installation of XenDesktop is improved, it’s 7 clicks from start to finish as Stephane has blogged about on
Application compatibility.. No longer an issue?
The last couple of weeks I saw a lot of discussions on application compatibility for the Hosted Private Computer Infrastructure (HPCI)/ Hosted Shared Computer Infrastructure (HSCI). I was wondering if application compatibility still is an issue as we have plausible alternatives.
Citrix NetScaler products and versions explained
Citrix did a lot of announcements on cloud products the last year(s) as Barry Schiffer already covered here. One of the core products of this cloud offer is the Citrix NetScaler.. Or AGEE.. Or AGE.. So after discussing this several times with customers I decided to write a blog post on the difference in Citrix NetScaler products and versions.
2013 is the year of… Converged Infrastructure?
I attended the SDDC roadshow in March and VMware announced that 2013 would be the year of VDI and Software defined Data Center but I heard Tikiri Wanduragala (IBM) saying it would be the year of converged infrastructure and my first response was: “2013 is going to be a busy year…”